Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Team Building Ideas for its True Potential

Want to make your next team building activity or team building exercise live up to its true potential? Integrate the team building ideas with real-time work goals. Establish a systematic workplace integration and follow-up process - before you go on the team building adventure. You need to make the good feelings and the outcomes from the team building activity last beyond the final team building exercise.

Without this attention to integration, corporate team building or planning events are, at best, a short term boost to employee enthusiasm and positive morale. If they are planned and executed well, people feel good about themselves and about each other. Employees get to know each other better and have a common experience to talk about back at work.

A frequent expectation from team building activities is that they build trust. They should be carefully followed up on and yields real results, is part of the team building or retreat. An event that is not followed up with meaningful activities in the workplace should not be held. They harm trust, motivation, employee morale and productivity. They don’t solve the problems for which they were scheduled and held. You will eventually lose the people you most want to keep – especially if they don’t see your organization getting better as a result of off-site team building and planning sessions.

The success of a team building or of a strategic planning activity begins well before the start of the sessions. Use a team to plan the event since you want to model the behaviour you seek from the team building sessions you schedule. The likely long-term effectiveness of a team building event or corporate retreat is enhanced when you incorporate annual team building events into an overall company structure. This cultural framework of philosophies, values and practices is designed to build the concept of “team” on a regular basis. In this environment, team building sessions can yield supportive results.

The team building companies in various cities like team building Perth will give you a fair chance of improving the performance of your team. As a leader of the group and part of your strategies of Ideas you can organise an after dinner or even after lunch discussion on the groups objectives and how to go about achieving the target. Allow each member to participate in the discussion and jot down their suggestion in a notebook. Give due weight-age to their suggestions. Encourage each member to contribute to the team's effort of surging ahead in its goal.

Remember each member of the group would want to be seen as having contributed to the effort and will want you to acknowledge it. So assign a role to each of the member in team cooking that will contribute to the success of the group and give a pat on the back whenever he/she manages to take the unit a step ahead towards the goal. The Team Building Ideas must make all the members feel and think as a member of the family. They must be so attached with the team that they should jump with joy at its success and only commit to work harder when it meets with challenges.

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